Bodhi J Niblett Fund

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Bodhi J Niblett Fund


After an unknown complication at birth, our son, Bodhi Jones Niblett, sustained a severe brain injury cause by a lack of oxygen. This type of injury in known as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) which has led to significant limitations in Bodhi’s abilities. Bodhi has quadriplegia cerebral palsy, a hearing and vision impairment, epilepsy and is fed via a port in his stomach due to an unsafe swallow.

Bodhi is now two and in spite of all the obstacles he has and is yet to face, our little boy is a fighter. Every day we are inspired by his strength and reminded how determined he is.

As Bodhi’s parents we want to give him the best possible quality of life. To do this Bodhi requires intensive therapy and a lot of it to reach his full potential. Money raised by The Bodhi J Niblett Fund will support Bodhi on this therapy journey.

The Bodhi J Niblett Fund is held by the Fremantle Foundation.


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