CircusWA Future Fund

Thank you for your interest in supporting CircusWA's Scholarship Program.

The CircusWA Scholarship kids were choosen out of a workshop series delivered at PCYC Hilton through their after school ‘Safe Space’ program. During delivery of the first round of workshops, funding was used to give five kids from that program the opportunity to become a part of the circus school’s weekly classes.

Five young people were chosen in 2015 (aged 10-13yrs) and began weekly classes with funding support from a Named Fund holder with the Fremantle Foundation. Four of the students are still training with CircusWA in 2018.

CircusWA has a long history of working with young people from disadvantage. The organisation works to ensure that we don’t just give young people a class, but we also offer support to ensure they engage with this possibility. The aim of the scholarships is to ensure that these young people are embedded inside the everyday activities of the school. We have additionally supported them to: perform in school showcases; attend our busy bees; and attend circus events during Festival of Perth and the Fringe World program. Our trainers and supportive parents are always on board to help get them and their parents if they want, to these various activities.


You can make a donation by contributing to the CircusWA Future Fund held with the Fremantle Foundation. Donations of over $2 are tax deductible.

And for more information on CircusWA click here

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CircusWA Future Fund

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